Contact Vail
Custom-engineered roll covers that perform better, last longer
Returning your metal, paper or industrial rolls to like-new condition

Technical and Mechanical Services

Get custom solutions for your unique roll cover demands.

In our more than 100 years of making roll covers, we have yet to find any two customers whose processes, equipment, environment and employees are exactly the same. Your situation is unique, too, and we’ll meet your needs with our turnkey roll cover solutions.

Need a roll cover for a groundbreaking new process? Our Technical Services team can design and formulate a cost-efficient roll cover that will get you to market faster. Want to return a decade-old roll to like-new condition? Our Mechanical Services team can repair and refurbish your roll and ship it back to you quickly without rush charges. And if you want to significantly improve the corrosion resistance of your roll journals and faces, cores and other parts, we can do that for you, too, with more than 300 thermal spray coating options. Contact us today to get started.


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Custom Engineered Covers

Custom engineering ensures you’ll get the exact roll cover formulation and design your application demands. There are no off-the-shelf solutions at Vail. Our Technical Services team will help you choose the correct roll cover, finish and profile. We’ll build cores to your specifications. 

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Roll Maintenance

Roll maintenance and refurbishment returns your rolls to like-new condition and optimal performance. Our Mechanical Services team can regrind or recover your roll; inspect, repair and drill-clean cores and shells; rebuild and recondition suction boxes, and provide millwright services to save you time and money. 

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Thermal Spray Coatings

HVOF/thermal spray coatings can help extend your part reliability up to 4x longer than you’ll see with spray welding and metalizing.  Developed for the rocket industry, these coatings offer the best corrosion resistance for your toughest environments. 

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Other Services

Specialty products, delivery services and FREE roll analysis are available to companies anywhere in the continental United States and some provinces of Canada. Let us help you lower your costs, improve your operations and minimize downtime with mandrel sleeves, Masroll® rolls, on-site analysis, etc.  

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